When strength is important, Worbla’s Mesh Art provides a thermoplastic with excellent adhesive properties and stability. Worbla’s Mesh Art offers a smooth, leather-like finish on one side with a mesh structure on the other with excellent strength and resilience.
Mesh Art does have a range of tones because of the filler (It is made with rice husks). Mesh Art has a mesh woven to it.
N.B.: Does NOT qualify for free shipping. Extra shipping fees may occur.
Like all Worbla Products, Worbla’s Mesh Art is non-toxic and solvent-free. Worbla’s Mesh Art has also been partially made from recycled rice husks, as we are always looking to create more sustainable, environmentally conscious products. Worbla’s Mesh Art is activated by heat (80-90°C / 175-195°F), and becomes mouldable and shapeable by hand when activated, and can be reheated endlessly until the desired shape is achieved. If you have never seen Worbla handled or tried it yourself, customers often compare it to clay, fruit leather or beeswax when heated: becoming pliable and taking detail well, becoming hard and stable when cool. Worbla’s Mesh Art can be built up in layers, shaped over forms of foam, foil, wire or similar armatures, and can be used as a single layer. It works excellently with other Worbla products and so can easily be used as a base that other types of Worbla are attached to, to take advantage of the high adhesive level. Worbla’s Mesh Art can be painted with just about any paint, wax or finish. Mesh Art’s texture is finer compared to Finest Art, closer in texture to that of leather, and you may choose to leave it unprimed before painting it, or prime it with products such as Flexbond, Gesso, or PVA glue. Mesh Art will need less priming than Finest Art, which can save time on larger builds. (These statements assume you are working with the smooth side, not the mesh side, out.)